Suicide! Sin or Not?

Suicide! Sin or Not?

When we fail in our exams, or our parents speak some hard words, when our most trusted friends desert us, when the emotionally formed love fails, when we don’t get a job, what do we think?

        “Why should I live? It’s better for me to die” Any one of you, a reader of this blog, has ever thought in the way? Of course, many will have such thought. But, only those who overcome such thoughts will succeed in life.

        This life is so precious. People are spending millions of money to save the life of their beloved ones, yet they fail, at times. Though science and medicine are advancing so faster, no one can create a new life than GOD.

        It’s a sin to destroy God given life. Even, some Christians don’t understand this. Being a psychiatrist, many persons who have an attempted suicide will be referred to me for counseling. It’s painful to see, Christians attempting suicide.

        In scripture we come across two people who took their lives by themselves.

  1. Saul (King of Israel) (1 sam 18:10)
  2. Judas (John 18:27)

Saul was tormented by an evil spirit. Satan has entered Judas. Only such people committed suicide. I need not tell you, where they are spending their eternity …..???

How many comforting verses! How many promises! Above all, as a best friend, the comforter – holy spirit is walking with us. What a blessing people we are!

Think for a while buddies! Shall we live for God, with God in his ways till his appointed time, and receive the crown of life from him.